Due to maintenance on Saturday, 27th April 2024 from 09:00 CET to 11:00 CET, you will not be able to submit your shopping cart nor browse the SAP Training Shop.

Support for

  1. System: 
  2. Search the Help Center FAQs where you will already find answers to frequently asked questions.  If you need to contact one of our agents, click on 'Get Technical Support' at the bottom of the Help Center page.
  3. SAP Learning Hub:
  4. Reseller issues - send email edupartner@sap.com. All other Learning Hub issues - send email to learninghub.partners@sap.com
  5. Deal or Org level:
  6. Send email to pe_channel_helpline@sap.com
  7. Other:
  8. Send email to learning@sap.com

You can find more information on the SAP Learning Hub Resell Training and Support Center. Please ensure you are logged in to PartnerEdge to access.

You can also send an email to edupartner@sap.com for support.

Please send an email to pe_channel_helpline@sap.com for support.

Please send an email to pe_channel_helpline@sap.com for support.

Once you log into the training shop as an SAP Training and Adoption reseller partner you will be presented with a welcome popup. This will include useful links. If you are just looking to browse the catalog, you can close the popup and continue using the shop as a partner.

When redeeming and activation code as a reseller partner you will get a notification during the redemption process when there are 5 or fewer licenses left on your activation code.

Upon login, a Welcome Partner screen automatically pops up and you will see an option to “Change user mode from Partner to Customer”. If the mode is successfully switched, you will be presented with a sentence confirming the current mode and the way to switch back to the Partner view is to log out and log in again.

Alternatively, at a later stage, you can always click the ‘Change to customer’ option on the hamburger menu.

You will stay logged in as a customer until you choose to log off or until your browser session expires.

When performing a booking as a reseller partner, you can upload a PDF document during the checkout process. 

This needs to be in the .pdf format and no larger than 5MB

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