Course announcements
- HTTP based communication plays a major role in SAP S/4HANA (in particular, when you want to use SAP Fiori).
- During the ADM103 training you will gain the administrative knowledge for the configuration of HTTP based communication. In addition, this class covers other topics such as SMTP communication and Central User Administration from an administrative point of view.
- You will learn the theoretical administration concepts within AS ABAP and work practically in an SAP system and on the operating system level.
Course information
- Technology Components for HTTP-based Communication
- Internet Communication Manager (ICM)
- Internet Communication Framework (ICF)
- Web Services and SAP Gateway
- SAP Web Dispatcher
- SMTP Communication and SAPconnect
- Enqueue Replication Server (ERS)
- Central User Administration (CUA)
- Extended Computer Aided Test Tool (eCATT)
- Aspects of Globalization
- Multiple languages in one SAP system
- This course will prepare you to:
- Perform additional administrative tasks that are not dealt with in the course ADM100 (System Administration I of SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite)
- Support internet applications, external emails, and Test Scripts in ABAP based SAP systems
- Set up and operate a Central User Administration
- Perform additional administrative tasks such as installing an Enqueue Replication Server and providing multiple languages in ABAP based SAP systems
- System Administrator
- Technology Consultant
- ADM100 – System Administration I of SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite
- SAP S/4HANA 2023
- ABAP Platform 2023
- AS ABAP 7.58
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